Yash Kulkarni

Engineer, Leader, Innovator

Hello! My name is Yash Kulkarni, and one day I will build robots that go into space. As an undergraduate computer engineering major and aerospace engineering minor at Georgia Tech, I'm learning how to combine Electrical & Computer Engineering with Aerospace Engineering to push the fields of autonomous systems in space to the future. I'm continuing to work on projects and get more experience in this field so I can achieve my career and personal goals.

Explore my website to learn about me, the projects I've done, and the value I can add to your company or team.

To learn about me, click here.

To learn about my projects, click here.

I hope you enjoy my work!


Check out my latest project: a door alarm buzzer powered by an Arduino Uno! This project was my choice for my ECE Discovery Studio's culminating Discovery Project, where I dive into an aspect of Electrical & Computer Engineering. Below, I have a description of the project, a video explanation of how it works, and a demonstration of it working. I hope you enjoy learning about my project!

Door Alarm Demonstration

Door Alarm Explanation

Get in touch at yashkulkarni19@outlook.com.

I'd love to chat!