
Before I came to college, I attended my public high school - Eastlake High School - in Sammamish, WA. I also attended Bellevue College in my senior year of high school for Dual Enrollment.

From August 2021, I began attending Georgia Tech as a Computer Engineering major. In Spring 2022, I also declared my Aerospace Engineering minor. At Tech, I've been taking classes related to my major and classes that I find interesting. To learn more about the courses I've taken and what I've learned, check out below!

Relevant Coursework

Digital Systems Design & Lab - ECE 2020/2031

I took these courses in Fall 2021 and Spring 2022. In these courses, I learned about:

  • Logic gates, transistors, design schematics

  • Building blocks - encoder, decoder, mux, demux

  • Writing hardware in VHDL on FPGAs

  • Designing state machines

  • Implementing state machines in VHDL

This course was my first hands-on experience with designing digital hardware. This culminated in a final project, a controller for a strand of NeoPixels, which can be read about here.

Circuit Analysis - ECE 2040

I took this course in Fall 2021. In this course, I learned about different circuit analysis techniques, such as:

  • Simplifying circuits using Thevenin's and Norton's equivalent circuits

  • Solving RC circuits using Phasors

  • Solving second-order circuits with differential equations

This class also included labs, where we designed a breadboard circuit and used circuit analysis techniques to find unknown values in the circuit.

Numerical Analysis & Algorithms - AE 4803

I am currently taking this course in Spring 2022. This course was an elective for my AE minor and was the first course I took out of interest that wasn't required. In this class, I learned about many numerical analysis techniques applied to engineering, such as:

  • Open and bracketing methods for root finding

  • Numerical methods for linear algebra

  • Newton-Cotes formulas for numerical integration

  • Runge Kutta methods for solving differential equations

This class culminates with a 10-page term paper, where we can dive into any engineering application where we must use numerical methods. I am currently working on this paper and will release it once it is ready on May 4, 2022.

Programming for Hardware & Software Systems - ECE 2035

I am currently taking this course in Spring 2022. In this class, we learned:

  • Writing programs in MIPS Assembly

  • Writing programs in C

  • Understanding how computers read code

  • Programming data structures in C

This class has two major projects, where the final one is programming an Mbed microcontroller in C to implement a Wordle Game. Details of that project can be found here.

Data Structures & Algorithms - CS 1332

I took this course in Fall 2021. In this class we learned about many data structures and algorithms in Java, including:

  • Lists: ArrayLists, SLL, DLL, CSLL

  • Stacks, Queues, Deques

  • Binary Search Trees, AVLs, Heaps

  • Hash Tables

  • Sorting Algorithms

  • Graph Algorithms: BFS, DFS, Dijkstra's

We had to program each data structure as a class in Java and implement algorithms with shell codes given to us. These data structures are extremely useful in the landscape of programming, and I'm still using knowledge from this class today in my current courses.